Civic Tech is digital technologies in civil society and includes interaction between people and government or improving eGov service delivery.

Civic technology, or Civic Tech, enhances the relationship between the people and government with software for communications, decision-making, service delivery, and political process. It includes information and communications technology supporting government with software built by community-led teams of volunteers, nonprofits, consultants, and private companies as well as embedded tech teams working within government.

Open government and community action

Open government Community action
Data access and transparency Peer-to-peer local sharing
Voting Civic crowdfunding
Visualization and mapping Neighborhood forums
Data utility Information crowdsourcing
Resident feedback Community organizing
Public decision-making Participatory budgeting

Civic Tech is tech that empowers people to have more agency and more of a role in the decisions that affect their lives, as well as tech that helps address public challenges and needs.
We believe that anyone can both use and advocate for the use of tech for the public good.
We collect, curate, and produce information to help grow the field of civic tech in productive directions.

Free Civic Tech Guides

We consider that the Civic Tech Guides should always be free of charge.

Open Source Solutions for Civic Tech

We believe that Digital Public Goods (like software and Artificial Intelligence models) used for Civic Tech should use Open Source Licence or Creative Commons licence.

Сategories of Civic Tech

1) The Tech

Explore the tools & platforms that power civic tech projects

  • Participatory Democracy
  • Joint solutions and integration with GovTech
  • Advocacy Tech
  • Media
  • Civic Data

2) The People

Connect with the communities that leverage tech to create change

  • Creation of target groups and communities
  • Work in the social sector (job search or hiring)
  • Social help Providing socially significant assistance
  • Creating something new
    (incubators, startUps, research groups, textbooks, White papers, civic hackathons)
  • Search for funding for social projects
  • Learn about Civic Tech
  • Evaluate impact
  • Worldwide resources

3) Related solutions

The foundational layers necessary for civic tech to work

  • Digital security and privacy
  • Ethical tech and responsible tech
  • Fundamental layers
    (connectivity, civic literacy, digital literacy, diversity and inclusion, digital security and privacy, assistive and accessible tech)
  • Tech for public challenges
  • Economic development

4) Resources, reports & case studies

  • Elections
  • Examples of unsuccessful solutions
  • Technologies that can cause harm
  • Major world events

Civic technology. Open Source Solutions.

Our goals: