Search of Open Source using AI – Search of Open Source Solutions using Artificial Intelligence

Who benefits from

The project is a Registry of Open Source products that meet the requirements of “Digital Public Goods“, and use open licenses.

Moldova joins the Digital Public Goods Alliance.

Our goals:

  • Creation and support of Open Source Community in Moldova
  • Support of creation of Digital Public Goods in Moldova
  • Implementation and promotion of “Civic Tech(Digital technologies in civil society)
  • Contribute to the harmonious development of 2 segments of IT infrastructure in Moldova: “Gov Tech(Digital technologies in the public sector) and “Civic Tech” basing on Open source Solutions.

To innovate for transparency and civic tech

Open Software

Source code software is publicly accessible. Anyone can modify, share, and re-use it for free.

Open Content

Open access content. Anyone can modify, share and reuse it for free.

Open Standards

Standards that are publicly available. Can be freely used by anyone.

Open Data

Public avaialble Digital data. Anyone can share and reuse them for free.

Open Hardware

Technical characteristics of physical objects. Anyone can modify, share and reuse it for free.

Open AI models

Open access programs to identify patterns in data sets, etc.

Open Design

Open access design methods for creating physical products, machines and systems.

Basic Principles of Registry

Sustainable Development Goals

the blueprint to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all.

Approved Open Licenses

allow software to be freely used.

Principles for Digital Development

a set of guidance to help practitioners in applying digital technologies.

Published on any acceptable Git Repository

GitHub, GitLab, Bitbucket, SourceForge etc.

Adhere to Requirements

indicators that define if nominated software, data, standards or content can be included into Registry

Adhering to Privacy

the solution must be designed and developed to comply with privacy requirements.

The Solution in Working conditions

Developers should ensure that the Solution is in Working Conditions.

Provide Regular Updates

the solution must be updated at least once a year.

Communication with Community

developers should maintain regular communication with the community.

Infrastructure IT projects in Moldova

General Information

Moldova Digital Strategy 2018-2023

Strategy for the development of the IT industry and the ecosystem for digital innovation for 2018-2023.

e-Governance Agency Activity Plan 2023

Activity Plan of “Electronic Governance Agency” for 2023 year.                           .

Startup city Cahul

Regional development project. Investments to strengthen the potential of the digital economy. Analytics


Open Source Solutions


Content Sections




Hours of voluntary work

Day by day, we work on new digital solutions to solve the problems of Moldavian society.
See our solutions here and support us with a donation. Together we CAN.

Open Source products and Digital Public Goods

Be a volunteer

Your talent and a few hours every month can transform Moldova.
Whether you are a programmer, UX designer or graphic designer, we can digitize Moldova together.

Contribute the funds to support, maintain and develop the project

For Partners. Support our project

Contribute your time, efforts, competencies, knowledge, experience or funds to support, maintain and develop the project