IT Travel. Open Source Solutions

Travel technology automates bookings, payments, and back-office tasks for travel agencies and enables consumers to make their online bookings without a travel agent.

Informational Technology has helped tourism and hospitality industries replace expensive human labor with technological labor. This helps reduce labor costs, but also helps avoid customer service issues.

Also see:
1) Tourism development strategy for the period 2022-2026 “Chisinau – tourist capital” – a tourism promotion concept for a period of five years Chisinau City Hall.
2) UNDP Moldova: project Accelerating Digital Transformation in Public Sector in the Republic of Moldova.
3) UNDP Moldova: project Moldova Sustainable Green Cities.

If any of the solutions interests you, or you think that it has a good perspective for development, or you can adapt the software to the needs of citizens, authorities, businesses or NGO-s in Moldova, then you can:

1. International Solutions

# Open Source Solution Web Licence
1 dr5hn / countries-states-cities-database
Countries States Cities Database.
Full Database of city state country available in JSON, SQL, XML, YAML & CSV format. All Countries, States & Cities are Covered & Populated with Different Combinations & Versions. ODbL-1.0
2 khsing / laravel-world
This package focused on World Countries, Regions, and Cities database with locale support for Laravel.
no website MIT
3 vbguyny / ws4kp
WeatherStar 4000+ MIT
4 BeWelcome / rox
BeWelcome lets you share a place to stay, connect with travellers, meet up and find accommodation on your journey. It is and will always be a free, open source, non for profit, democratic community. GPL-2.0

2. Outdated solutions

The Open Source Solution that does not update more than 1 year, but potentially could be interesting to End Users.
We don’t make any recommendations to use or not to use the solutions listed below. Your decision is fully up to you.

# Open Source Solution Web Licence
2.1 adl1995 / trip-planner
Trip Planner
A CLI tool for planning trip itinerary.
This tool filters Google Maps places based on an input query and exports them to a CSV file.
no website BSD-2-Clause
2.2 project-travel-mate / Travel-Mate
Travel Mate is an android app for travellers. It provides features like choosing the correct destination, making bookings, and organizing the trip. It provides solutions for every problem a traveller might face during their journey. It provides a comprehensive list of information about a destination: current weather, best places to hangout, and city’s current trends. MPL-2.0
2.3 riatelab / osrm
OSRM is a routing service based on OpenStreetMap data. See for more information. This package enables the computation of routes, trips, isochrones and travel distances matrices (travel time and kilometric distance).
This package relies on the usage of a running OSRM service (tested with v5.27.0 of OSRM). GPL-3.0
2.4 samayo / country-json
A simple data of the world by country each in JSON format. MIT