Who benefits from OpenCode.md
OSS Developers
OSS Integrators
Public Sector (Gov Tech)
Civil society (Civic Tech)
Businesses and Entrepreneurs
The OpenCode.md project is a Registry of Open Source products that meet the requirements of “Digital Public Goods“, and use open licenses.
Our goals:
- Creation and support of Open Source Community in Moldova
- Support of creation of Digital Public Goods in Moldova
- Implementation and promotion of “Civic Tech“ (Digital technologies in civil society)
- Contribute to the harmonious development of 2 segments of IT infrastructure in Moldova: “Gov Tech” (Digital technologies in the public sector) and “Civic Tech” basing on Open source Solutions.
To innovate for transparency and civic tech
Basic Principles of OpenCode.md Registry
Infrastructure IT projects in Moldova
General Information
OpenCode.md Analytics
Open Source Solutions
Content Sections
Hours of voluntary work
Day by day, we work on new digital solutions to solve the problems of Moldavian society.
See our solutions here and support us with a donation. Together we CAN.

Be a volunteer
Your talent and a few hours every month can transform Moldova.
Whether you are a programmer, UX designer or graphic designer, we can digitize Moldova together.
Contribute the funds to support, maintain and develop the project OpenCode.md.
For Partners. Support our project
Contribute your time, efforts, competencies, knowledge, experience or funds to support, maintain and develop the project OpenCode.md.