Protecția mediului. Soluții cu Sursă Deschisă

Global climate change refers to the rise of earth’s temperature, caused by human factors. It originates from the greenhouse effect of certain gases in our atmosphere like carbon dioxide (CO2) or methane (CH4) that block the escaping heat. The concentration of these gases has risen dramatically by human impact since the mid of the 20th century, with the burning of fossil fuels (oil and gas) and deforestation being main causes of this rise. The observed and expected effects include more and longer periods of draught, wildfires and an increased number of extreme weather events.

Dacă vreuna dintre soluții vă interesează, sau credeți că are o bună perspectivă de dezvoltare, sau puteți adapta software-ul la nevoile cetățenilor, autorităților, afacerilor sau organizațiilor obștească din Moldova, atunci puteți:

1. Soluții internaționale

# Open Source Solution Web Licence
1 electricitymaps / electricitymaps-contrib
A real time and historical visualisation of the Greenhouse Gas Intensity (in terms of CO2 equivalent) of electricity production and consumption around the world. AGPL-3.0,
2 protontypes / open-sustainable-technology
A curated list of open technology projects to sustain a stable climate, energy supply, biodiversity and natural resources. CC0-1.0
3 philsturgeon / awesome-earth
The world is simultaneously underwater and on fire, and people want to know what they can do about it. Let’s share resources, services, products and ideas you can use to stop kicking the planet in the face. CC0 1.0,
4 NMF-earth / carbon-footprint
Carbon Footprint Diagnostic.
Calculate your carbon footprint. Food, transport, purchases, fashion, electricity and digital activities like streaming, cryptoArt or blockchain. GPL-3.0
5 shootismoke / mobile-app
Shoot! I Smoke.
How much am I smoking by breathing urban air? Know how many cigarettes you smoke based on the pollution of your location. GPL-3.0

2. Soluții nu corespund

Soluții Open Source care nu respectă toate cerințele, dar ar putea fi interesante pentru Utilizatorii finali.
Nu facem nicio recomandare de utilizare sau de a nu folosi soluțiile enumerate mai jos. Decizia ta depinde în totalitate de dvs.

# Open Source Solution Web Licence
2.1 Kabaun
Open-source and open-data carbon impact analytical solution, helping businesses to measure ans analyze their carbon footprint. We provide a platform to allow every businesses to build their carbon footprint, create life cycle analysis and keep track of their co2 emissions and their trajectory towards net zero. not provided

3. Soluții învechite

Soluții Open Source care nu se actualizează mai mult de 1 an, dar ar putea fi interesantă pentru Utilizatorii finali.
Nu facem nicio recomandare de utilizare sau de a nu folosi soluțiile enumerate mai jos. Decizia ta depinde în totalitate de dvs.

# Open Source Solution Web Licence
3.1 Liquid Prep / Liquid Prep
Liquid Prep offers an end-to-end solution for farmers who want to optimize their water usage; especially during times of drought. It is specially designed for low-literate farmers in developing countries who also need access to advanced agricultural advice to be successful. Apache-2.0